When July 04, 2024 at 9:00am 3 hrs
Where Corrales, New Mexico
Contact Perry Radford [email protected]

To raise awareness of the 300,000 independent and minor party New Mexico voters excluded from our publicly-financed primary elections, New Mexico Open Elections is marching in Corrales' historic 4th of July Parade.

To educate New Mexicans that independent candidates must turn in 3 to 10 times the number of signatures to get on the ballot, NMOE is marching for Independents. 

You will see major party candidates with their supporters, but for the first time you will see representatives of the fastest growing voter segment in NM and the USA - independent voters! Come march with us and show support for including independents in our primary elections and treating independent candidates equally and fairly

July 4, 2024

Corrales, New Mexico

Come decked out in your political gear and bring a sign to show your support for independent voters. We will shared detailed location/meet-up information with RSVP'd attendees closer to the event.

Sign ideas:

  • Independent Voter for Equal Rights
  • Country Over Party
  • I should not have to join a party to vote
  • Independents Day - LET ME VOTE
  • A primary election is a public election
  • My tax dollars pay for primary elections but I can’t vote
  • Why no independent candidates?
Will you come?